NAAC-Accredited 'A' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)


Our club is the perfect platform for testing your creative and curious mind. We conduct various entertaining and innovative events which are truly amusing while educative to our audience.


Creativity Enriched

Our main focus is to make awareness to our audience about the cutting edge technologies in an entertaining and creative manner.

Upcoming Events:

Ad-ZapPromote a product using your creativity January
Food SculptSculpture the food under the given theme and bring out your creativity January
Kutty StoryMake up a Fictional/Fantasy story that is totally unrealFebruary
Practical MarketingBring out your effective methods of selling a product with the given constraintsFebruary
Face PaintingShow off your painting talents and expose your thoughts to the worldFebruary
Contact us through mail or social media for more updates on registration

Become a Member:

We welcome everyone who is willing to gain experience in creating something new and creative or those who are eager to figure out the creative person in them.
Register here: Club Registration – Google Forms

Contact Us:

You can feel free to contact us anytime through our social media pages, Mail and websites. Make sure to follow us for more information about the upcoming events and activities.